Click on a box to download printable lesson plans and quizzes. Grammar 1 - Nouns & Verbs 2 - Adjectives/Articles 3 - Adverbs 4 - Pronouns/Nominative 5 - Pronouns/Objective 9 -Subject of the Sentence 13 - Appositives 17 - Auxilary Verbs 6 - Prepositions 10 - Clauses vs Phrases 14- Adjective Clauses 18- Dependent Clauses 7 - Interjections 11 - Action/Existence verbs 15 - Adverb Clauses 19 - Independeant Clauses 8 - Complete Sentence 12 - Noun Clauses 16- The Predicate Verb Punctuation Terminal Punctuation Commas Separate Items in a Series Commas After: Yes & No Commas After Prepositional Phrases Commas After Verbals Commas After Participial Phrases Commas After Infinitives Instructions Mac Instructions to access lesson plans and print material:  Click on the box (1 – Nouns & Verb – example).A folder will appear to your DOWNLOADS on MAC.Click to open folder. The LESSON PLANS Image and Printable Quizzes will appear.Click on them to read and print.To print lessons – press Command+P.PC Instructions to access lesson plans and print material:Open File Explorer and find the zipped folder.To unzip the folder, double-click the folder to open.Drag or copy the item from the zipped folder to a new location.